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4511 Results found for : hope
Price: $24.95
Hope    full length track

This angelic and graceful track is beautiful and elegant. Heavenly and passionate, it is sensitive and soulful, stimulating and touching to the listener. Tranquil and delicate, it will add a warm touch to your project

composer: Emmett Cooke | duration: 126 seconds

Price: $20.00
Hope    full length track

Hopeful, inspirational and dramatic music in the style of epic Hans Zimmer soundtracks. This track features a full orchestra with strings, brass, piano and orchestral drums and percussion.

composer: Hakan Eriksson | duration: 126 seconds

Price: $50.00
Hope    full length track

This is a pop ballad. Warm, emotional, and inspired message, filled with Hope, and Promise. Melodic guitar lines plead, and rhythm guitars sooth and comfort. Synthesizer bed colors the background
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composer: Dan pasternak/james zeigler | duration: 117 seconds

Price: $30.99
Hope    full length track

Positive, cheerful, happy corporate track with acoustic guitar, violin, percussion and choir. This track is great for holiday video, as a background for commercial, youtube video, tv show and others.

composer: Dirty Productions | duration: 126 seconds

Price: $39.00
Hope    full length track

Beautiful, sublime film score with poignant, uplifting strings and piano. Sounds hopeful, thoughtful and motivating. Ideal for beautiful pictures, nature shots, documentaries, presentations and much more.

composer: Masis | duration: 115 seconds

Price: $39.95
Hope    full length track

A emotional track with a melodic theme performed with passion and felling. A blend of classical and jazz elements give this beautiful track a different and modern sound.

composer: Christian Larssen | duration: 150 seconds

Price: $24.95
Hope and Charity    full length track

Very uplifting indie pop/soft rock track, driven by a muted guitar pattern, with marching drums, piano and big orchestral strings. Gradually builds in intensity, with a couple of softer sections for contrast. Very useful for charity/motivational/inspirational visuals, and opening/closing credits.

composer: AP Music | duration: 236 seconds

Price: $59.95
Hope For More    full length track

An inspiring and uplifting rock track with an emotive and strong finish. Guitars, bass, drums, piano and synth pads create a full and pleasing sound.

composer: Dan Phillipson | duration: 188 seconds

Price: $49.95
Hope and Motivation    full length track

A beautiful, uplifting and inspirational pop/rock track that builds to a grand orchestral finish. Driving drums and bass, ringing guitars and piano/strings combination create a motivational and hopeful atmosphere. Similar modern rock sensibilities as bands like U2 and Coldplay.
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composer: Zander Sehkri | duration: 217 seconds

Price: $35.99
Hope For Us    full length track

A wonderfully light and positive track featuring and upbeat groove , optimistic guitar and vocal melodies. Make sure to check for the "No Vocals" underscore version --pop, acoustic, feelgood, positive, uplifting, optimistic, daytime tv, tv show, drama, teenage, soft rock, soft-rock, soft rock, young adult easy breezy wind time search music vacation city foreign trust date dating reality intro ending carring driving riding walking boucy funny joy exciting new airy hope hopeful wanting loving heart warming childhood child

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 134 seconds

Price: $35.99
Hope For Us (No Vocals)    full length track

A wonderfully light and positive track featuring and upbeat groove , optimistic guitar and vocal melodies. Make sure to check for the "with Vocals" version. --pop, acoustic, feelgood, positive, uplifting, optimistic, daytime tv, tv show, drama, teenage, soft rock, soft-rock, soft rock, young adult easy breezy wind time search music vacation city foreign trust date dating reality intro ending carring driving riding walking boucy funny joy exciting new airy hope hopeful wanting loving heart warming childhood child

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 134 seconds

Price: $29.99
Hope and Glory    full length track

Grand, majestic, epic orchestra movie soundtrack containing strings, bold brass and Taiko drum hits. Emotional build-up with climax at 0:26. Some tension, drama and hope.
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composer: Piotr Pacyna | duration: 59 seconds

I found a new favorite spot for camping in the Winter with a beautiful stream and a secret waterfall that can only been seen with a drone. I spent a few nights here cooking and keeping warm with the stove inside the hot tent. I experienced all kinds of weather including wind, rain and thunderstorms.
The music I used for the soundtrack is all listed below and is distributed by
Royalty Free Music Clips

Here are the tracks in order of appearance in case you are looking to check out composers for your own videos...

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