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1437 Results found for : Jingle Bells
Price: $29.99
Smiles    full length track

A cheerful, bouncy piano is complemented by strings, glockenspiel and clarinet. This peaceful, optimistic track excellently conveys an easygoing, playful, innocent vibe. Perfect for corporate, children's or commercial productions.

composer: Joseph Michael Rusnak | duration: 103 seconds

Price: $34.99
A Child's Creation    full length track

A nice, simple melody blossoms into a heartwarming tune featuring marimba, trumpet, violin and maracas. A pleasant, bright production perfect for children's productions.

composer: Joseph Rusnak | duration: 138 seconds

Price: $29.99
Abacus    full length track

A playful electric piano ostinato is complemented with airy synth pads and a fun glockenspiel melody. Perfectly suited for commercial or children's productions or anything looking for a light, easy-going vibe.

composer: Joseph Rusnak | duration: 93 seconds

Price: $34.99
Masquerade    full length track

Pizzicato strings, piano, violin and double bass wonderfully create the image of a masquerade ball. Slightly playful and intriguing with a hint of royalty.

composer: Joseph Rusnak | duration: 155 seconds

Price: $39.99
Moonlight Magic    full length track

A quiet, slightly anxious glockenspiel melody slowly builds into a wondrous, magical climax featuring expressive strings. Possesses an ethereal nighttime vibe, perfect for productions looking to create and eerie, enchanted vibe.

composer: Joseph Rusnak | duration: 147 seconds

Price: $24.99
Night Vision    full length track

A grooving track with electronic sounds that combine with a charging, dirty drum beat and eventually include a hypnotic cutting edge melody. Great for sci-fi and action sequences.

composer: Christopher Wiseman and Christopher Purner | duration: 82 seconds

Price: $29.99
Ursa Major    full length track

Heavenly voices and dreamy synth pads float through wondrous chord changes. Instills a strong sense of calmness and tranquility.

composer: Joseph Michael Rusnak | duration: 98 seconds

Price: $34.95
Spider    full length track

A slow trip hop beat with wondrous, magical chord changes featuring strings, piano, vibes, bells and voice. Sets an enchanted, mildly eerie mood, and is especially good for anything unusual, weird or otherworldly.

composer: Joseph Michael Rusnak | duration: 175 seconds

Price: $34.99
Ain't no Other Women    full length track

Catchy, cool and fresh track, up-front and sparkling, mid-tempo pop-funky. Featured by light and happy pop groove, with uplifting melodies and a fresh guitars and synths rythhm passages. Joyful and excited, sexy and cool. Suitable for TV shows, commercials, for branding, idents and presentations. Whenever you need something fresh uplifting and groovy.

composer: Yuri Sazonoff | duration: 348 seconds

Price: $44.95
Amber    full length track

A beautiful intro of airy synth pads and layered acoustic guitars break into a mellow, calming, wistful arrangement. A slow build gives way to a dramatic, emotional, calming peak. Perfectly suited for any production.

composer: Joseph Michael Rusnak | duration: 211 seconds

Price: $34.95
Wistful Wishes    full length track

Airy synth pads blend with heavenly voices creating a calming, heavenly soundscape. Beautiful, sentimental piano is introduced through a second set of resolving, comforting chords. Great for advertisements, or Film & TV sentimental and heartfelt dramas. Families, children, caring for the elderly. Eldercare commercials, voice over spot ads.

composer: Joseph Michael Rusnak | duration: 162 seconds

Price: $34.95
Breathe    full length track

Airy, heavenly synths are joined by a funky hip hop beat. Creates a sedate, mellow, euphoric vibe, while simultaneously creating a fun, upbeat mood. A very catchy, fresh, modern sound perfect for a variety productions.

composer: Joseph Michael Rusnak | duration: 179 seconds

I found a new favorite spot for camping in the Winter with a beautiful stream and a secret waterfall that can only been seen with a drone. I spent a few nights here cooking and keeping warm with the stove inside the hot tent. I experienced all kinds of weather including wind, rain and thunderstorms.
The music I used for the soundtrack is all listed below and is distributed by
Royalty Free Music Clips

Here are the tracks in order of appearance in case you are looking to check out composers for your own videos...

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